Tuesday, 15 December 2009

Spotlight on... UKKO Ambassador Tom Ayling

Tom has recently become an UKKO Ambassador, so we thought we'd find out what makes him tick...

Your home club - Harewood Downs Golf Club
Handicap - 11.3
Age - 16

What's in your bag (we like details!)
Driver - Cobra X-Speed Pro, Shallow Face, Speeder S Shaft
Woods - Taylormade R9 Ti 3, Re.ax Shaft R
Irons - Mizuno Mx-25 3-PW, Dynamic Gold Sl Sahfts
Putter - Odyessy White Hot XG #7
Balls - Titleist Pro V1

1. Your ultimate fourball with anyone past & present?
I'd have just the one golfer, Seve. The true enigma and passion of the game is typified of the flair of the exceptional Spaniard. Next I'd have Bobby Moore, as a Hammers fan its a no brainer. Legend. Lastly, probably James Corden, the man that is the definition of lad, it'd be a laugh.

2. Where would you take them on?
We'd tee it up at Loch Lomond, quality track in a picturesque setting.

3. Which club is first in the bag?
Probably the big dog - there's no better feeling than destroying the ball down the fairway!

4. A crafty beer before the game or in the zone on the putting green with energy drink on stand-by?
Probably be a cheeky pint balanced by the energy drink halfway through the round.

5. Obviously you're wearing UKKO on the 1st - which is your favourite garment?
It's got to be the Burgundy Sleeveless Cardigan, I love the retro style going on there!

6. Any dirty tactics or squeaky clean all the way?
Despite being notorious in my other sports for playing dirty, when clad in the plus-fours it's all clean.

7. You have a 4ft putt to win the game. It circles the cup and drops in - how do you celebrate round the green!?
Sink to my knees and cry - only joking - probably the solitary fist pump and take the pain of buying the first round back inside.

8. 1st & last drink on the 19th?
Kick off with a pint, and finish with half a Jack.

9. To celebrate your win, you fill up the private jet - where do you go?
En-route to the final destination of L.A stop off in Grenada, a truly surreal place.

10. Assuming you don't have a private jet, have a nightmare and lose by the 12th - would you head straight for the driving range or drown your sorrows at the nearest local?
I'm a grafter, I'd be out on the range.

11. Why did you want to become an Ambassador for UKKO?
The threads are quality, and I really wanted to pen my experiences on golf.

12. If you didn't play golf, which other sport would you be obsessed with?
I'm a rugby and football man, but footy would probably take preference if there wasn't a course on the Earth.

13. What would you like to see in the next UKKO range?
I'd love to see some strides in there.

14. Apart from becoming an UKKO Ambassador, what's your biggest achievement to date?
Golfing or something else? Well golfing would be my Autumn Cup performance the season just gone. Non-Golfing, well i just try and make people have a laugh every day really.

15. What do you want to be doing in 5 years?
I'll probably be in my last year at Uni en-route to Sports Journalism.


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