Monday, 18 January 2010

New Year's Revolution

So here we are in mid-January and already, the chances are the trips to the gym are lessening and you're struggling to find the motivation to pound the pavement. Yet, this is no cry for you to return your gym wear and hang up those dumbbells just yet, instead use all these big plans for entering the new decade to revolutionise your golf game, you can always get better.

There are two ways to win in golf; win, and win in style. Now I'm sure that most of you out there have one of the two components to golfing greatness, I doff my trilby to those of you who win, and maybe do so without the greatest eloquence or flamboyance, but graft out a result, I have the upmost respect for that. Then there is of course the player who plays with the required swagger to fulfil the win in style catergory, but lacks the 'winning' part of the bargain. Fear not the losing or swaggerless golfer! Make the full commitment, and start the decade as you mean to go on!

The ways to do this are simple, and you shouldn't have to change a thing. The first simple step that you should take is enjoy your golf people! Don't get annoyed about it, if you have fun on the course (abiding by the 180 pages of the R&A rulebook, local rules, and etiquette if at all possible, if not just refrain from breaking other people's property) you will play great golf. So now you know that having a good laugh will help you win know you need style. I'm not saying you need to be Seve or Chi Chi Rodriguez but something inbetween would be the swagerrdocio golfer you're looking for. First step is not the 100 yard low fade round the tree, skimming across the burn and rolling up to the short stuff resting 6ft from the target, nah we wouldn't want you to have that shot in your locker, but if it were fair play to you son. The first step is of course a Trip (to the computer) Around (April to purchase) The (greatest clothing in the) World at of course the UKKO store, get your hands on the clobber that will be one step to you playing great golf.

Look Good. Play Good.

Tom Ayling


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