Friday, 26 March 2010

Ready for the weekend...

With the passing of the Vernal Equinox I was sure sun was on the way and after a washout on Saturday, the Sun shone resiliently on Sunday, and the decision was made. It’s time to golf.

It was arrogantly close to summer climes and for perhaps the first time since October it was merely short sleeves on the arms, albeit with the Burgundy Sleeveless Cardigan paired over the top. “Sharp” and “precise” were a selection of comments on the attire worn with slick black suit trousers, ‘Look Good’ – Check – I thought as I stood on the first tee, before realising this was the first time in too long I’d swung my sticks in Keatsian territories. It felt sublime to not be choked with layer, and have the UKKO statement out there plainly. The titanium logo shone in the profound sunlight, as I swung smoother than a Sinatra track, and shorter than Lee Trevino, but hey, it was in play. ‘Play Good’ – Check.

It was a high stakes game of match play in an attempt to win back the loss of the preceding day’s bet after my beloved West Ham United fell short against the Arsenal. The thing is, I’m a firm believer that the best shots a golfer will ever hit - of any level, are the strokes played in near darkness, on a late summer’s evening without a soul seeing it. Which is why my second shot of the day surprised me as the eight iron with a quid-seventy left soared up and nestled nicely next to the hole. The concession was gladly received and onwards to the next. Actually, I started playing well and was pretty surprised with how things were going as the lead increased to three by the 16th tee. The 16th at my track is a lengthy dog-leg right par 4 heavily guarded right and left of the short stuff. Despite needing but a half to reclaim my cash and leave the weekend as I started, the only though in my mind was ‘let the big dog eat’ – so I did as the ball swerved somewhat magisterially from left to right and around the corner which put in the stead needed to win the hole and the match 4&2. Happy days.

Now I mentioned the Sleeveless Cardigan earlier, and came about a revelation at the weekend. After the dress-down day in aid of Sport Relief on Friday and repping UKKO with the ever-pristine threads, I realised something of monumental genius. Firstly, if you don’t have the Burgundy Sleeveless, feast your eyes sharpish before it disappears for Spring/Summer replacement, literally it can be worn with anything trousers, suit, Sunday best, hitting the town, even Jeggings (to clear that up, that’s a joke and any man to wear these or ‘Ugg’ boots are unacceptable members of our species). And secondly, when the merino wool is in your hands wear it with all the buttons done up, bar the top one, looks reams. Enjoy looking good...

Another top blog by UKKO Ambassador Tom Ayling.


Charlie Young said...

Tom this is a blog to be admired m8- quality work!!!!

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